providing favorable conditions for the 
comprehensive development of the family and 
its members, realization of the family of its 
functions and improvement of its standard of 
living, increasing the role of the family as 
the basis of society.

On 25.05.2018, at the, the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "LYMAN INSTITUTE OF THE FAMILY AND YOUTH PROBLEM" was registered and started work.


The purpose of the organization is to provide favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the family and its members, the realization of the family of its functions and improvement of its standard of living, increase of the role of the family as the basis of society.


On May 25, 2018, the public organization "LYMAN INSTITUTE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROBLEMS" started its work in the Limanese united territorial community (LIPSMM)

NGO "LIPTSMM" is a community of volunteers who united to implement social projects to ensure favorable conditions, comprehensive development of the family and its members, realization of family functions and improvement of its standard of living, increase of the role of the family as a basis of society.

The main directions of the Organization are:

promoting the revival of a traditionally strong, hard-working, economically capable family based on new socio-economic relations, national traditions and the introduction of a better world experience;

propagation and ensuring the continuity of generations;

formation in the population of the culture of family planning, the birth of the desirable number of children, taking into account the modern development of medicine, establishing an effective system for training young people in family life, promoting the authority of marriage;

comprehensive social, pedagogical, legal and economic support for young families and families in difficult life situations;

promotion of family rearing of orphans and children deprived of parental care, prevention of child abandonment, begging and assistance in preventing offenses;

Participation in the creation of social infrastructure in the community for the purpose of servicing the family and carrying out directions related to its life support.

The public organization "LYMAN INSTITUTE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROBLEMS" invites volunteers: psychologists, lawyers, social workers, students and all people who are not indifferent to the problem of violence in society and in the family. People who have a strong experience in bringing up children with a large, in their view, parenting potential.

The family remains the basis of any society. Only in the family is it possible to preserve true human values, such as love, respect, affection, kindness, caring, and mercy. The real family teaches responsibility, the ability to make decisions that not only satisfy the selfish needs of one single person, but they are beneficial for all family members. The family is a masterpiece of nature; it needs to be valued and protected. The state needs to do everything to maintain the status of the family. She can not replace anything.

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